Orphan Tables
invoiceopen(numeric, numeric)
/************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * Software is on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for details. Code: Compiere ERP+CRM * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * converted to postgreSQL by Karsten Thiemann (Schaeffer AG), * ************************************************************************* *** * Title: Calculate Open Item Amount in Invoice Currency * Description: * Add up total amount open for C_Invoice_ID if no split payment. * Grand Total minus Sum of Allocations in Invoice Currency * * For Split Payments: * Allocate Payments starting from first schedule. * Cannot be used for IsPaid as mutating * * Test: * SELECT C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID, DueAmt FROM C_InvoicePaySchedule WHERE C_Invoice_ID=109 ORDER BY DueDate; * SELECT invoiceOpen (109, null) FROM AD_System; - converted to default client currency * SELECT invoiceOpen (109, 11) FROM AD_System; - converted to default client currency * SELECT invoiceOpen (109, 102) FROM AD_System; * SELECT invoiceOpen (109, 103) FROM AD_System; ************************************************************************/ DECLARE v_Currency_ID NUMERIC(10); v_TotalOpenAmt NUMERIC := 0; v_PaidAmt NUMERIC := 0; v_Remaining NUMERIC := 0; v_MultiplierAP NUMERIC := 0; v_MultiplierCM NUMERIC := 0; v_Temp NUMERIC := 0; v_Temp2 NUMERIC := 0; v_Precision NUMERIC := 0; v_Min NUMERIC := 0; v_PaidAmtIps NUMERIC := 0; ar RECORD; s RECORD; BEGIN -- Get Currency BEGIN SELECT MAX(C_Currency_ID), SUM(GrandTotal), MAX(MultiplierAP), MAX(Multiplier) INTO v_Currency_ID, v_TotalOpenAmt, v_MultiplierAP, v_MultiplierCM FROM C_Invoice_v -- corrected for CM / Split Payment WHERE C_Invoice_ID = p_C_Invoice_ID; EXCEPTION -- Invoice in draft form WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE NOTICE 'InvoiceOpen - %', SQLERRM; RETURN NULL; END; SELECT StdPrecision INTO v_Precision FROM C_Currency WHERE C_Currency_ID = v_Currency_ID; SELECT 1/10^v_Precision INTO v_Min; -- Calculate Allocated Amount FOR ar IN SELECT a.AD_Client_ID, a.AD_Org_ID, al.Amount, al.DiscountAmt, al.WriteOffAmt, a.C_Currency_ID, a.DateTrx, al.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID FROM C_AllocationLine al INNER JOIN C_AllocationHdr a ON (al.C_AllocationHdr_ID=a.C_AllocationHdr_ID) WHERE al.C_Invoice_ID = p_C_Invoice_ID AND a.IsActive='Y' LOOP v_Temp := ar.Amount + ar.DisCountAmt + ar.WriteOffAmt; v_Temp2 := currencyConvert(v_Temp * v_MultiplierAP, ar.C_Currency_ID, v_Currency_ID, ar.DateTrx, null, ar.AD_Client_ID, ar.AD_Org_ID); v_PaidAmt := v_PaidAmt + v_Temp2; -- Allocation --+ currencyConvert(v_Temp * v_MultiplierAP, -- ar.C_Currency_ID, v_Currency_ID, ar.DateTrx, null, ar.AD_Client_ID, ar.AD_Org_ID); RAISE NOTICE ' PaidAmt=% , Allocation= % * %', v_PaidAmt, v_Temp, v_MultiplierAP; IF (ar.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID = p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID) THEN v_PaidAmtIps := v_PaidAmtIps + v_Temp2; else IF (COALESCE(ar.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID,0) = 0 and p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID > 0) THEN v_PaidAmtIps := v_PaidAmtIps + v_PaidAmt; end if; END IF; END LOOP; -- Do we have a Payment Schedule ? IF (p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID > 0) THEN -- if not valid = lists invoice amount v_Remaining := v_PaidAmt; FOR s IN SELECT C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID, DueAmt, IsPaid FROM C_InvoicePaySchedule WHERE C_Invoice_ID = p_C_Invoice_ID AND C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID = p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID AND IsValid='Y' ORDER BY DueDate LOOP --IF (s.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID = p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID AND s.IsPaid = 'Y') THEN -- v_TotalOpenAmt := (s.DueAmt*v_MultiplierCM) - v_Remaining; --IF (s.DueAmt - v_Remaining < 0) THEN -- v_TotalOpenAmt := 0; --END IF; --ELSE -- calculate amount, which can be allocated to next schedule --v_Remaining := v_Remaining - s.DueAmt; --IF(v_TotalOpenAmt > 0 AND s.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID = p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID) THEN IF ((s.DueAmt) - (v_PaidAmtIps*v_MultiplierCM) < 0) THEN v_TotalOpenAmt := 0; else v_TotalOpenAmt := (s.DueAmt*v_MultiplierCM) - v_PaidAmtIps; END IF; --END IF; --RAISE NOTICE 'IPS=%, C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID=%',p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID,s.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID; IF (v_Remaining < 0) THEN v_Remaining := 0; END IF; --END IF; END LOOP; ELSE v_TotalOpenAmt := v_TotalOpenAmt - v_PaidAmt; END IF; -- RAISE NOTICE ''== Total='' || v_TotalOpenAmt; -- Ignore Rounding IF (v_TotalOpenAmt > -v_Min AND v_TotalOpenAmt < v_Min) THEN v_TotalOpenAmt := 0; END IF; -- Round to currency precision v_TotalOpenAmt := ROUND(COALESCE(v_TotalOpenAmt,0), v_Precision); RETURN v_TotalOpenAmt; END;