

Name Type Language Deterministic Return Type Security Restriction Comments
altercolumn(name, name, name, character varying, character varying, name) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false void INVOKER
instr(character varying, character varying, integer, integer) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true integer INVOKER
bomqtyavailable(numeric, numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
cof_qtyfiscalbyorg(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
invoicewriteoff(numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
nvl(text, text) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true text INVOKER
nvl(anyelement, anyelement) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true anyelement INVOKER
invoicediscount(numeric, timestamp with time zone, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
uuid_ns_dns() FUNCTION C true uuid INVOKER
cof_receber_leitura_em_massa(integer, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character varying INVOKER
connectby(text, text, text, text, text, integer) FUNCTION C false SETOF record INVOKER
migr_fix_payment_cashline() FUNCTION PLPGSQL false void INVOKER
uuid_generate_v1mc() FUNCTION C false uuid INVOKER
crosstab2(text) FUNCTION C false SETOF tablefunc_crosstab_2 INVOKER
prodqtyreserved(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
currencyrate(numeric, numeric, timestamp with time zone, numeric, numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
getdate() FUNCTION PLPGSQL false timestamp with time zone INVOKER
subtractdays(interval, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true integer INVOKER
bomqtyonhandforreservation(numeric, numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
uuid_nil() FUNCTION C true uuid INVOKER
paymentavailable(numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
invoiceopentodate(numeric, numeric, date) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
torecordid(character varying, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false integer INVOKER
nextidfunc(integer, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false integer INVOKER
bompricestd(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
firstof(timestamp with time zone, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true date INVOKER
previousbusinessday(timestamp with time zone, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false timestamp with time zone INVOKER
cof_linhassemfiscal(numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
crosstab4(text) FUNCTION C false SETOF tablefunc_crosstab_4 INVOKER
uuid_ns_oid() FUNCTION C true uuid INVOKER
productattribute(numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character varying INVOKER
subtractdays(timestamp with time zone, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true timestamp with time zone INVOKER
nvl(integer, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true numeric INVOKER
qtyondate(integer, timestamp with time zone) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
connectby(text, text, text, text, integer, text) FUNCTION C false SETOF record INVOKER
cof_register_migration_script(character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character varying INVOKER
trunc(timestamp with time zone) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true timestamp with time zone INVOKER
cof_getcheckallocateamt(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
drop_client(integer) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character varying INVOKER
invoiceopentodate(numeric, numeric, timestamp with time zone) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
role_access_update() FUNCTION PLPGSQL false void INVOKER
daysbetween(timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true integer INVOKER
invoiceopen(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
uuid_ns_url() FUNCTION C true uuid INVOKER
prodqtyordered(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
uuid_generate_v4() FUNCTION C false uuid INVOKER
bompricelimit(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
cof_prazomedio(numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
getperiod(numeric, date) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
unaccent_lexize(internal, internal, internal, internal) FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
adddays(interval, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true integer INVOKER
cof_valormedioprod(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
get1099bucket(numeric, timestamp with time zone, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
entity2char(text) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true text INVOKER
currencyconvertinvoice(numeric, numeric, numeric, timestamp with time zone) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
trunc(timestamp with time zone, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true date INVOKER
crosstab3(text) FUNCTION C false SETOF tablefunc_crosstab_3 INVOKER
currencybase(numeric, numeric, timestamp with time zone, numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
trunc(interval) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true integer INVOKER
invoicepaid(numeric, numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
paymenttermdiscount(numeric, numeric, numeric, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
invoicepaidtodate(numeric, numeric, numeric, timestamp with time zone) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
cof_get_taxcode(numeric, numeric, character varying, character varying, numeric, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character varying INVOKER
unaccent(text) FUNCTION C false text INVOKER
bomqtyonhand(numeric, numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
bomqtyonhandreposicao(numeric, numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
charat(character varying, integer) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true character varying INVOKER
cof_getcheckallocate(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
round(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true numeric INVOKER
currencyround(numeric, numeric, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
cof_qtyfiscal(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
deps_restore_dependencies(name, name) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false void INVOKER
nextid(integer, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false integer INVOKER
currencyconvertpayment(numeric, numeric, numeric, timestamp with time zone) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
uuid_generate_v1() FUNCTION C false uuid INVOKER
paymentallocated(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
cof_estadoestoqueov(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false text INVOKER
z_register_migration_script(character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character varying INVOKER
htmlchars(text) FUNCTION PLPYTHON3U false text INVOKER
isintersectcsv(character varying, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character INVOKER
qss_get_tables_from_window(numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character varying INVOKER
unaccent(regdictionary, text) FUNCTION C false text INVOKER
cof_request_history(integer, boolean) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false text INVOKER
cof_evaluatenfstatus(character varying, character varying, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character varying INVOKER
trunc(timestamp without time zone) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true timestamp without time zone INVOKER
altercolumn(name, name, name, character varying, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false void INVOKER
bompricelist(numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
connectby(text, text, text, text, integer) FUNCTION C false SETOF record INVOKER
register_migration_script(character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character varying INVOKER
currencyconvert(numeric, numeric, numeric, timestamp with time zone, numeric, numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
crosstab(text) FUNCTION C false SETOF record INVOKER
cof_get_determination_group(numeric, numeric, numeric, character varying, numeric, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
crosstab(text, integer) FUNCTION C false SETOF record INVOKER
generate_uuid() FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character INVOKER
uuid_generate_v5(uuid, text) FUNCTION C true uuid INVOKER
cof_getreflistvalue(character varying, character varying, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character varying INVOKER
uuid_generate_v3(uuid, text) FUNCTION C true uuid INVOKER
connectby(text, text, text, text, text, integer, text) FUNCTION C false SETOF record INVOKER
acctbalance(numeric, numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
nvl(numeric, integer) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true numeric INVOKER
paymenttermduedays(numeric, timestamp with time zone, timestamp with time zone) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false integer INVOKER
uuid_ns_x500() FUNCTION C true uuid INVOKER
instr(character varying, character varying, integer) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true integer INVOKER
paymenttermduedate(numeric, timestamp with time zone) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false timestamp with time zone INVOKER
bomqtyordered(numeric, numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
invoiceduedates(numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false text INVOKER
unaccent_init(internal) FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
instr(character varying, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true integer INVOKER
encodehtml(text) FUNCTION PLPYTHON3U false text INVOKER
ismemberofacctschema(numeric, numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
adddays(timestamp with time zone, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true timestamp with time zone INVOKER
crosstab(text, text) FUNCTION C false SETOF record INVOKER
normal_rand(integer, double precision, double precision) FUNCTION C false SETOF double precision INVOKER
get_sysconfig(character varying, character varying, numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character varying INVOKER
trunc(timestamp without time zone, character varying) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true date INVOKER
bomqtyreserved(numeric, numeric, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
deps_save_and_drop_dependencies(name, name) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false void INVOKER
update_sequences() FUNCTION PLPGSQL false void INVOKER
add_months(timestamp with time zone, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL true timestamp with time zone INVOKER
add_missing_translations() FUNCTION PLPGSQL false void INVOKER
qtyondate(numeric, timestamp with time zone) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
nextbusinessday(timestamp with time zone, numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false timestamp with time zone INVOKER
bpartnerremitlocation(numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false numeric INVOKER
documentno(numeric) FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character varying INVOKER